59th IFATCA Conference Singapore - CANCELED
Following an executive meeting held on 5th March the board noted that the TTATCA would not be able to attend the 59th Conference due to increased travel restrictions and quarantine period imposed by the Trinidad & Tobago Government due to COVID-19. Correspondence were subsequently sent to IFATCA and other associations that requested we serve as proxy at the conference. On 10th March, IFATCA circulated a memorandum informing members that the conference was canceled.
The 37th Americas Meeting is still on as planned and will be discussed with members at the next OGM, see details below.
AGENDA for the next OGM - Action Plan 2020 - 37th America's Meeting - Bye-laws & Constitutional Amendments
- Professionalism - Technical & Operational Concerns
- Controller/Pilot Workshops
- Other Matters