The Trinidad and Tobago Air Traffic Controllers’ Association (TTATCA) will be hosting the 40th IFATCA Americas Regional Meeting between 15-17 October 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. This event will gather aviation professionals and stakeholders from North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. The purpose of this event
To fulfil IFATCA’s objectives to protect & safeguard the interests of air traffic controllers and the profession
To promote and uphold a high standard of knowledge and professionalism among air traffic controllers through the origination of policies and sharing of knowledge
To create, maintain and enhance the worldwide fellowship of air traffic controllers
This meeting allows attendees to learn, share essential information and provide for a continuous exchange of ideas and experiences. It is an opportunity for Member associations to be encouraged and to demonstrate their value by seeking to develop a collaborative and effective relationship with aviation authorities, air navigation services providers (ansps) and Industry Partners.
This year's meeting will be done in partnership with the Trinidad & Tobao Civil Aviation Authority (TTCAA).
The Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority is both the Regulator and Air Navigation Services Provider (ANSP) for the aforementioned nation. It was established by the Civil Aviation Act, 2001 (Act 11 of 2001). The principal function of the Authority is to regulate and administer a safe civil aviation system whilst ensuring that Trinidad and Tobago properly discharges its obligations under international civil aviation agreements and treaties.
IFATCA's Americas 40th Regional Meeting 2024 |
40th IFATCA Americas RM
15 – 17 October 2024 | HYATT Regency Hotel & Conference Centre
Registration Fee : USD270 Registration Form
Accommodation: RM HYAT T Booking
What’s included? -
Airport Transfer from and to the Hotel
Regional Meeting (Lunch & Coffee Breaks inclusive)
Breakfast (included with hotel accommodation) *
Welcome Meet and Greet
Farewell Event
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad
Since becoming a member of IFATCA, the TTATCA has successfully hosted four Americas Regional Meetings, with the most recent being held in Tobago, 2010 as well as a hosting multiple IFATCA Standing Committees. In 1991 TTATCA hosted IFATCA Annual Conference in Port-of-Spain. Two representatives of Trinidad & Tobago have served on the IFATCA executive since then:
Mr. Samuel Lamkin - President and Chief Executive Officer (1998-2002), Executive Vice President-Americas Region (1991-1997)
Mr. Alexis Brathwaite - President and Chief Executive Officer of IFATCA (2010-2014) and Deputy President (2007-2010)
The International Federation of Air Traffic Controller’s Associations (IFATCA), is an international collective of air traffic controller associations. It was established in 1961 and is the largest and most comprehensive representative body for air traffic control in the world representing over 50,000 air traffic controllers through 130 member associations.
The objectives of the federation include promoting safety, efficiency, and regularity in international air navigation, and developing safe and orderly systems of air traffic control. Thes objectives are achieved from Annual Conferences, Regional Meetings, Standing Committee and Tasks Forces.
The federation plays an integral role in developing and shaping international aviation policy and procedures and is affiliated with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Association (IFALPA) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).
Membership is separated into four regions: Africa & The Middle East, Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. Trinidad & Tobago’s air navigation services professionals are part of the Americas Region - IFATCA AMA (ifatcaamericas.com).